Developing capacities together
European CSO-university networks for global learning on migration, security and sustainable development in an interdependent world

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About the project

InterCap is a 3-year project (from Nov. 2017 to Oct. 2020) funded by EuropeAid envisaging to establish European CSOs-university networks, build the capacities of the education actors and promote global learning on migration, security and sustainable development in an interdependent world.

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About the project

Training Package

The InterCap Training Package (corresponding to 2 ECTS) is designed and offered for both online and face-to-face delivery and aims at building the capacity of teachers’ trainers, in-service and pre-service teachers. All modules and supporting material are available online and offline.

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Training Package


A European development education Community of Practice and national networks for the promotion of Policy Coherence for Development are established in all countries. We invite you to join us for debates, advocacy, supporting material and help us to bring about a change in the world!

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News & Outputs



    InterCap photo project „Frankfurt through my lens”

    Photo contest and online exhibition

    A corner of the new city, a reminder of valuable past in my hands.

    Corona, quarantine and social distancing, masks, gloves and the feeling of belonging to a new city, interactions with the fellow-citizens, motivation to engage socially and do more. Those were some of the main motives behind organizing the photo contest and exhibition “Frankfurt through my lens”. Motivated migrants and refugees from Frankfurt, Offenbach and the neigbhbouring towns worked together and individually for one month and tried to capture their new surrounding during the pandemic times. While taking photos, the participants contemplated about the interrelations of photography, migration, sustainable development and the Corona pandemic.



    • Author: Shima Niknam
    • Author: Teodora Stoeva
    • Author: Intisar Samir
    • Author: Maria Pourbakhsh
    • Author: Edress Heravi
    • Author: Shima Niknam

      "I would like to show with my photos that some natural moments of life, like kissing without a mask on the street, have become a dream since Corona".

    • Author: Teodora Stoeva

      "With the photos I want to say that the use of masks damages the environment, the animals... I can express myself much better with photos than with words."

    • Author: Intisar Samir

      "Photography is life. You can stop the moment, whether it is sad or happy, and let it stay with you forever. What I want to tell with my pictures is: Live life, have fun!"

    • Author: Maria Pourbakhsh

      “The photos remind me of the time, when I left my home country and came to Germany as a refugee. Photography is important because people are forgetful, you always forget how hard it was back then, but with photos you can still capture the time, feeling and smell, and any time you can travel for a moment to the past.”

    • Author: Edress Heravi

      “We go the long way together! I hope that the photos and this project have some positive effect.”

    • Author: Shima Niknam
    • Author: Teodora Stoeva
    • Author: Intisar Samir
    • Author: Maria Pourbakhsh
    • Author: Edress Heravi

    Notable submissions

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    The purpose of the webinar was to create a space where the participants would have the opportunity to be a part of a stimulating debate, share their views and challenge their thoughts around an extremely relevant and up-to-date issue. InterCap’s Community of Practice was also empowered and enhanced with the participation of notable experts and the wider public.

    The keynote speakers of this webinar were the following:

    - Mrs. Veronica Boggini, Financing for Development and Migration Expert for the ONG “Save the Children” who analysed the impact of COVID-19 on migration flows.
    - Mrs. Francesca Rossi, Researcher at the University of Rome la Sapienza, who discussed the EU response to this crisis.
    - Mrs. Luisanna Paggiaro, an English teacher and member of ANFIS, who talked about the impact of Coronavirus on education. ANFIS is an Italian teachers’ association, which is officially acknowledged as Certified Teachers’ Training Institution by the Italian Ministry of Education.

    The webinar was divided in three parts. First, the participants followed the presentations of the three guest keynote speakers of the webinar on the topics of education, migration and the EU response towards the COVID-19 pandemic.

    After the presentations of the keynote speakers, the participants were redirected to different small groups where they had a 10-minute discussion on each one of the topics discussed with the keynote speakers in the plenary e-room (impact on education/ the EU response to COVID-19 crisis/ impact on migration). Each group discussion led to some interesting reflections, which were then shared to all participants during the final debate.

    Specifically, as it comes to education, it was mentioned that the COVID-19 pandemic affected the educational systems worldwide, leading to the near-total closures of schools, Universities and colleges and has brought up the lack of remote teaching experience. However, participants from different European countries pointed out that Universities were much more prepared for online education than the school sector and teachers need to rethink the methods and introduce more interactive methodologies to online teaching/ learning.

    What will the EU scenario be after the Covid-19 pandemic? How will this crisis affect the European citizens? Would their opinion go towards requesting a stronger union or will it scatter it further? These were the main questions participants tried to address in the breakout room focusing on the topic of the EU response towards COVID-19 pandemic. The participants argued that this crisis should be an opportunity to reevaluate the European values and the European countries need to have better coordination both at regional, local and European levels as it comes to global scale issues and crises. The member states of the EU should be empowered by the EU, not just on the economic and financial side, but also on emergency response and health management.

    Regarding the impact on migration, this pandemic, like Ebola, exacerbated inequalities and homelessness. Governments around the world have adopted significant migration management measures (like the closure of borders) to try to contain and halt the spread of COVID-19. These measures were borne disproportionately by the most vulnerable, including refugees and immigrants. Some people are exploiting this pandemic to set the image of migrants in a darker perspective, attempting to draw a clear link between the migrants and coronavirus, without any evidence to support this. Participants also pointed out that solidarity of society needs to be increased and discussed on how local and European authorities should assume responsibility towards migration.

    The webinar attracted mainly people with academic background, representatives of various international and European organisations and NGOs, Local Authorities members, trainers and students across 19 countries.

    100 people in total registered to attend the webinar, while at the time, 47 participants actively participated in the debate.

    If you missed our webinar, don’t worry! Check below


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