To say: “I will organize a workshop” is easy. The hard part starts, when you realize that every little aspect of the workshop has to be planned and organized. With World University Services (WUS) and InterCap I had the chance to learn many things, and best of all, have a connection to topics of sustainability and migration. With this report I want to show what I learned in my short Internship with InterCap and WUS.
I wanted to do the Internship with InterCap because I could take a look at what happens in the offices of Stube Hessen, a program from WUS. Not only that, I could have the chance to learn about Global Learning and how it is being promoted with organizations like InterCap. As I am a member of “Grenzenlos”, a program which encourages international students to talks about sustainable topics in schools, I knew the internship would be a perfect fit for me.
One of my favorite parts of the internship was when I had to research about migration for a workshop from Stube-Hessen in November 2019. Migration is a topic that has always been very personal to me and which I want to invest more of my time in. I had to do an intense research on sub-topics of the current politics of migration and look up speakers from different Universities or organization in Hessen, who were experts in the topic. I was also asked to plan how I would like the workshop to be. It was a task I did very passionately.

I was also part of a weekend-workshop on how to manage and organize intercultural events. I had the chance to give my own input on how to be a multiplicator and what I do as an active member of “Grenzenlos”. It was an amazing opportunity to practice my organizational skills and also to leave those fears of speaking in public behind. During this weekend-workshop, I learned about my own leadership skills as well as how I can teach others how to strengthen their own. It was a great experience, which showed me that even though I am not a professional speaker, I can still communicate important topics to others.

Alejandra Isabel Garcia Hernandez is a student from Honduras at Goethe-University Frankfurt studying Educational Science. She did an internship with InterCap from 3rd to 9th of June 2019. During the internship, Alejandra Isabel Garcia Hernandez joined the project STUBE Hessen. STUBE Hessen, a project of World University Service (WUS), offers Seminars, academies and workshops for international students in Bachelor, Master, Magister and PhD programmes. The focus is on development-oriented issues and the events are executed in cooperation with competent experts. The seminars, academies and workshops provide to develop a South-South dialogue in which topics relevant for the participants are discussed. By offering these events STUBE Hessen also aims to building up a network among the students. STUBE Hessen supports initiatives and work groups of foreign students who want to organize development-oriented events in their cities. The support includes help with the organization and implementation of events, choosing experts, and STUBE will, on request, co-funding the event.