In 2007, the plenum of the Standing Conference of the German Ministers of Education and Culture (KMK) together with the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) adopted the first edition of the Curriculum Framework for Education for Sustainable Development. In 2015, the second edition of the Framework was published. The publication was preceded by a detailed evaluation report on the use of the first edition of the Curriculum Framework by Dieter Schoof-Wetzig. In this report, the dissemination of the first edition of the Orientation Framework, its use in the ministries and state institutes of the Federal States and by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) was examined.
In November 2019, a new evaluation report was compiled by Reiner Mathar, which refers to the second and extended edition of the Curriculum Framework. This evaluation was prepared on the occasion of the of the meeting of the federal school committee for the extension of the Curriculum Framework to the upper secondary level of education. The report is divided thematically into several areas of analysis: dissemination (presentation of the mailing and download figures of the Curriculum Framework and the accompanying publications), instruments (implementation and use of the Curriculum Framework, especially through the support of the BMZ) and implementation (examples of the implementation of the Curriculum Framework at different levels of school education).
The evaluation follows on from the report from 2014. The data was collected during 2015 - 2019. The evaluation shows that since its adoption by the plenary session of the KMK and the printing of the second extended and updated editions in 2015 and 2016 respectively, the Curriculum Framework has exerted a considerable influence on the development of Global Learning and thus also on the implementation and anchoring of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in German schools.
Interestingly, InterCap is mentioned in the evaluation report several times. First, it is listed on Page 11 as one of the projects, which in their work refer to the Curriculum Framework. Moreover, Section 6 on Page 23, “Use of Curriculum Framework in the NGO sector”, explicitly presents InterCap and states, that Curriculum Framework is used in the work of the project and is the most downloadable document in the e-library on the InterCap homepage (as of 01.08.2019). Therefore, InterCap is mentioned in the evaluation report several times as the project that supports the implementation of the Curriculum Framework in Germany.
You can download the report (in German) here: