The InterCap Training Package is designed and offered for both online and face-to-face delivery and aims at building the capacity of trainers and teachers in topics related to migration and sustainable development drawing on contemporary participatory methods and Global Learning.
Tip: The InterCap educational material is fully available in English, Greek, Italian and Lithuanian, while a selection of material is available in German, Bulgarian, Polish, Croatian and Slovenian (please change the language accordingly to have access to the translated modules).
Module 1

Migration, Security and Sustainable Development in an interdependent world: Theory and Practice
Module 2A

Development Education and Teachers’ Training: European Context
Module 3

Communities of Philosophical Enquiry (COPE)
Module 4

Interactive Learning Communities (ILC): Engaging in critical thinking, reflection, inquiry and dialogue for global learning
Module 5

Participatory Theatre Methods for Global Learning with reference to Theatre for Living
Module 6

Train the Trainer pedagogies