On Monday 12th November, Kopin organised in Malta the info session "Sustainable Development, Migration and the SDGs: Training and Resources for Educators” at Europe House in Valletta, to present the upcoming InterCap training package.

In the course of the session, teachers, trainers, educational representatives, youth workers, NGO staff and volunteers were introduced to the project overall objectives, goals and results from the first year of implementation of the activities.

Photo Credit: Tiziana Uliano

Particular attention was given to the presentation of the National Audit Report for Malta, as well as the Transnational Report and EU Summary. Participants were also introduced to the website of the project and in-depth to the six different training modules offered online as well as face to face and informed about the possibilities to access these modules.

A total of 21 participants coming from different institutions attended the event and gave a positive feedback towards the project goals, messages and resources. Overall, they showed great interest in the training opportunities offered, linking Global Education with the topics of Migration and Sustainable Development.

A short networking session was offered following the event, where participants could discuss the themes addressed in plenary among themselves and ask any additional question to the InterCap staff.