InterCap National Training For Teacher Trainers in Lithuania was successfully implemented in September, 2019 by trainers Karolis Zibas and Jogaila Vaitiekaitis on behalf of Diversity Development Group.
This year InterCap International Conference Globalization of Migration, antiimigrant parties and Xenfobia: Reflection on European Societes and State in 21st century will be held in Split, Croatia on 26th October in Hotel Cornaro. Conference is organised in collaboration with Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies Croatia and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Split.
Migration: challenge Or Opportunity?
New Perspectives for Understanding the Migratory Phenomenon through Sustainable Development and Global Education.
To say: “I will organize a workshop” is easy. The hard part starts, when you realize that every little aspect of the workshop has to be planned and organized. With World University Services (WUS) and InterCap..