This year InterCap International Conference Globalization of Migration, antiimigrant parties and Xenfobia: Reflection on European Societes and State in 21st century will be held in Split, Croatia on 26th October in Hotel Cornaro. Conference is organised in collaboration with Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies Croatia and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Split.

Together with parallel session for students of University of Split that will have opportunity to learn more about COPE methodology and presentation on Sanctuarity as praxis that will be held by Carly Bagelman from Liverpol Hope University, participants will have opportunity to attend many panel sessions through which will be discussed topics such as globalization of migration, migration, asylum and question of security in EU and South-Eastern Europe, phenomen of antiimigrant parties and xenophobia and the impact of migration globalization on European societies and states in the 21st century.

Some of the panelists and keynote speakers on Conference are prof. Daniele Archibugi (Italian National Research Council, Uiversity of London, Birkbeck), prof. Maurizio Ambrosini (University of Milan), prof. Arjun Appadurai (New York university), prof.Kristian Berg Harpviken (Peace Research Institute Oslo), prof.Andreas Niederberger (Duisburg University, Essen).

InterCap project will be also presented at Conference and right after professors from Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences will present their research on the impact of (cultural) identity features on attitudes towards migration - survey among University of Split students.

Please find full programme here.

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