As an introduction to the panel discussion, Prof. Marita Brčić Kuljiš and assistant Anita Lunić from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Split had short lectures about the connectedness of migration with sustainable development, the Marakesh agreement and the impact of Covid-19 on migration policies. Together with Prof. Anđelko Milardović, PhD from Institute for Migration and Ethnic studies (Zagreb) and Nada Ivelja from NGO MI – Split panelists discussed EU migration policies, future migration trends, EU current answer to migration and experience working with refugees in refugee camps on Croatian-Bosnian border.
After the panel discussion, Prof. Renata Relja, PhD and assistant Toni Popović from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences presented the book BORDERS: Attitudes of students at the University of Split about immigration, immigrants and refugees, authors: Marita Brčić Kuljiš, Toni Popović, Renata Relja and Anita Lunić.

As part of the project „Creating welcoming communities“, the authors conducted research which collected data on the topic of immigration and integration, and opened channels of communication and shaping attitudes on the researched topic in public space.
Research showed that 80% of students think that we should help to refugees. Only 7% of respondents claim that the impact of immigrants on Croatian society is positive (57% is negative, the rest is neutral) while 48% claim that these groups are a national threat, the 21% claim the opposite. Respondents take a conventional approach: they are open to freedom of movement in principle, but significantly less when it comes to immigration that can have an impact on their lives.

Together with a theoretical approach, the book gives a unique approach to current issues and gives valuable source of scientific data and approach to question of immigration, immigrants and refugees in Croatian society, especially among students.