Gebėjimų ugdymas bendradarbiaujant
Europos NVO ir universitetų tinklas globaliam švietimui migracijos, saugumo ir darnaus vystymosi klausimais tarpusavio ryšiais susijusiame pasaulyje

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Apie projektą

„InterCap“ tai agentūros „EuropeAid“ remiamas 3 metų trukmės projektas (nuo 2017 m. lapkričio iki 2020 m. spalio), kuriuo siekiama sukurti Europos NVO ir universitetų tinklus, ugdyti švietimo bendruomenės gebėjimus skatinti globalų švietimą migracijos, saugumo ir darnaus vystymosi klausimais tarpusavio ryšiais susijusiame pasaulyje.

Skaityti daugiau
About the project

Mokymo programų paketas

Bus sukurtas „InterCap“ Mokymo programų paketas (atitinkantis 2 ECTS kreditus), skirtas mokyti tiek tiesiogiai, tiek internetu. Mokymo programomis bus siekiama ugdyti mokytojus rengiančių specialistų bei esamų ir būsimų mokytojų gebėjimus. Visi moduliai ir papildoma medžiaga bus prieinami internetu.

Skaityti daugiau
Training Package

Bendradarbiavimo tinklai

Visose šalyse, kuriose vykdomas projektas, yra įsteigta Bendruomenė, aktyviai veikianti Europos vystomojo švietimo srityje ir Nacionaliniai tinklai, skatinantys Politikos suderinamumo vystymąsi (Policy Coherence for Development). Kviečiame prisijungti prie diskusijų ir idėjų skleidimo, naudotis pagalbine medžiaga ir padėti mums keisti pasaulį!

Skaityti daugiau

Naujienos & rezultatai



    InterCap photo project „Frankfurt through my lens”

    Photo contest and online exhibition

    A corner of the new city, a reminder of valuable past in my hands.

    Corona, quarantine and social distancing, masks, gloves and the feeling of belonging to a new city, interactions with the fellow-citizens, motivation to engage socially and do more. Those were some of the main motives behind organizing the photo contest and exhibition “Frankfurt through my lens”. Motivated migrants and refugees from Frankfurt, Offenbach and the neigbhbouring towns worked together and individually for one month and tried to capture their new surrounding during the pandemic times. While taking photos, the participants contemplated about the interrelations of photography, migration, sustainable development and the Corona pandemic.



    • Author: Shima Niknam
    • Author: Teodora Stoeva
    • Author: Intisar Samir
    • Author: Maria Pourbakhsh
    • Author: Edress Heravi
    • Author: Shima Niknam

      "I would like to show with my photos that some natural moments of life, like kissing without a mask on the street, have become a dream since Corona".

    • Author: Teodora Stoeva

      "With the photos I want to say that the use of masks damages the environment, the animals... I can express myself much better with photos than with words."

    • Author: Intisar Samir

      "Photography is life. You can stop the moment, whether it is sad or happy, and let it stay with you forever. What I want to tell with my pictures is: Live life, have fun!"

    • Author: Maria Pourbakhsh

      “The photos remind me of the time, when I left my home country and came to Germany as a refugee. Photography is important because people are forgetful, you always forget how hard it was back then, but with photos you can still capture the time, feeling and smell, and any time you can travel for a moment to the past.”

    • Author: Edress Heravi

      “We go the long way together! I hope that the photos and this project have some positive effect.”

    • Author: Shima Niknam
    • Author: Teodora Stoeva
    • Author: Intisar Samir
    • Author: Maria Pourbakhsh
    • Author: Edress Heravi

    Notable submissions

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