InterCap project has released its second High-Level Communication paper for 2019. The paper outlines the approach that InterCap partners will follow in the next six project months to maximize the dissemination effectiveness and engage relevant stakeholders.

This approach has been defined during the second yearly online meeting of the Community of Practice (CoP) Steering Committee meeting held on the 28th of June 2019 and fine-tuned during the project meeting held between 24- 26 of October 2019 in Split. The proposed approach will take advantage of:

  • New Dissemination Campaign aimed at elevating the effectiveness of InterCap’s promotional activity and ultimately further its set objectives through paid digital promotions, promotional videos, infographics and animated GIFs.
  • Contacts for integrating InterCap training package in different Institutions Programs.

Through the second year of its implementation the InterCap project has made significant progress with tangible results.

So far, 7 out of the 12 participating countries have implemented the national trainings for Teachers reaching thus a total of 150 trainers. The majority of the participants expressed their interests in the topics addressed and were very proactive during the implementation of the trainings through experiencing the proposed methodologies.

One of the participant countries has organised a Practice Oriented Program (PoP) which has reached a total of 106 peoples the majority of which were students. The project involved several classes of an elementary school and was addressed to foreign students, who were trained on sustainability, multiculturalism and SDGs topics. Both teachers and pre-service teachers as participants expressed their satisfaction with respect to the opportunities offered by the PoP.

The internships provided for InterCap activities have been already implemented by two participant countries. The internships lasted 30/32 hours and involved 4 pre-service teachers and 4 mentors. Both interns and mentors suggest very positive experiences through their feedback with the first ones to highlight the importance of the opportunity offered by the project to learn the work and activities of NGOs, and the latter to be very satisfied with all the help the interns provided with the organisation and hosting of events.

Read the complete InterCap 2019 Communication Paper here